Our rugs and textiles are meticulously made by the expert hands of highly skilled artisans around the world. We partner directly with our mills, ensuring the highest quality and fairest pricing - for the weavers and for you. Because each piece is made to order, it can be customized to your chosen colors, materials and pattern.

Design Development

While designs are finalized, we select colors using fabric poms and pantone colors, though we can match any color reference you have. Before finalizing a custom concept we provide a handmade sample. Once approved, we work with our mill to prepare for the start of production.

Custom Dyed Yarn

Our natural yarns can be dyed to any color. Yarn is spun, dyed, and then divided into sections. Each rug can have up to 10 weavers working at once, otherwise rugs would take years to complete. Instead, our lead times are typically 10-12 weeks, not including shipping.

The art of handknotting

The process of handknotting is the oldest form of rug making and dates back to 5000 BCE. Each piece of yarn is meticulously tied and knotted, and densities of the knots can vary from 15-1000 knots per square inch, though most on the modern market range from 60-200. The average weaver can tie 8,000 knots per day

Attention to Detail

After the weaving is completed, more meticulous care is taken to ensure the rug is perfect. It is washed and tried, and any raised or uneven threads are hand cut. There is also an aesthetic option to hand carve into the rug to create impression patterns or definition around line work, as shown here.